Ok so this past weekend marked the biggest event of my year The Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo, or as I shall call it from now on C2E2, this is the thing I look forward to every year. For me more planning goes into this convention then almost anything else in my life. This year was shaping to be the best yet mainly because on of the actors who plays my favorite characters from my favorite show was going to be there this year. Who is this mysterious actor, why it is Adam Baldwin the who plays a man called Jayne in the amazing show firefly.
As being one of those geeks who enjoys dressing up every year, this year me and my friends decided it would be hella fun to all go dressed as the crew for an airship. We being the kind of people who do not just do anything half ass we not only made costumes to fit the roles needed upon an massive aircraft but we also developed back stories for everyone of our costumes. Myself I got the prestigious title of Airship Captain because for starters I already had most of my costume already built and because it was my idea to do the steampunk style costumes in the first place.
My Saturday started with me awaking and donning my costume, downing a very tasty timmies that was bestowed upon me by my best friend Kenneth the Third and we were of to the event that had been the predominate thought on our minds for the last three months. Things like always started slow at first with us trying to figure out which incredibly long line we were destined to stand in. Once inside we bee-lined straight for the opposite end of the hall where the actors were signing autographs.
I got my desired autograph and we all regrouped which took quite a bit of time to gather all of us into one local. We then decided since it was now quarter to noon that we should get some lunch, we have a tradition that each year we avoid waiting in the terrible line for like 40 min for food we just leave and come back after lunch. This year that was one of the most terrible ideas that we could have done, for you see this year was the first and last reunion of Star Trek: The Next Generation which means the con was ten time busier then ever before. So much so that upon arriving back we found that no one was permitted in and the fire marshals were planning on shutting the whole thing down. We waited around a bit before some people started yelling and growing angry, in fear of a riot starting we decided it would be our best interest to call it a day and head home so we don't get caught in something like that.
So on the Sunday we figured since it was so extremely busy on Saturday that we would get there two hours early instead of half an hour like we normally do. Boy was I glad that we took that coarse of action because even when we arrived so early the line was around the building. It was crazy how far the line streched so long before the event but then again this is what geekdom is about, waiting in crazy long lines to be sure that you get to where you need to. In half an hour the line had moved and we were waiting in a large holding area where me being who I am I got into a conversation and made a new friend.
Once the doors open I went on the geek shopping spree I had been planning I had a short list of what I was looking for. Since I had not been able to shop on Saturday I only had a small window of opportunity in which to find that in which I had longed for. Alas of the things I was only able to procure one of the items I was looking for which made me a little upset since I think if I had shopped last year I would have found them.
I got a chance to game in the afternoon on Sunday which made me happy because I missed a session that I had signed up for on Saturday. A impromptu film noir style shadow run revolving around a sound that can paralyze was interesting to play, it defiantly gave me some pointers on how to improve my campaigns. Followed by a star wars game where I was a part of the clone army and had to fight my way off of a federation overrun planet.
It wasn't the best expo I have been too but it wasn't the worst ether.
Awesome costume